Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Finding Joy

My little bird knows how to sing, but I really wish he could learn this song. He can already dance to it, that's for sure. He does it on my windowsill in the mornings.

Today, (actually that should be every day) I am looking for joy. Let's see, where will I begin? The indisputable number one on the list is my faith in God. The next one on the list is very easy:

This little guy came into our lives last October and is the source of so much JOY!

The inspiration for my blog has been visiting me on my window sill for almost three years. There is some sorrow behind those visits but my little bird drowns out the sorrow with his faithful visits where he expresses his joy. (At least, I interpret his actions as joyful through the chirps and fluttering wings.)

More joy comes in the companionship and love I share with my sweet husband. Conversations with friends and family deliver special moments of joy.

When I look out the window and see the beautiful pink roses my friend gave me, I'm inspired. My sentimentality takes wings!!!

Monday, May 18, 2020


When I think of mourning, I think of those I have lost. I think of the thousands of people that have succumbed to the virus. But this morning I was made aware of some other reasons to mourn.

I watched a story on TV this morning that showed a teacher standing in an empty classroom, holding her face mask, shoulders slumped, head bowed. There was such a poignant message to it. She expressed her sadness at not being able to see her students finish the school year, moving on to the next grade, or perhaps even preparing for their graduation. The realization that these moments are forever lost is a new kind of mourning. They only exist as memories now. Students have had to find new, unique ways to celebrate once-in-a-lifetime occasions.

Memories: how much more valuable they have become.

After I watched the teacher story,  my little bird greeted me, flapping enthusiastically at my window. He reminded me that it's a beautiful day. The sun is shining and the sky is blue. I take pleasure from hearing him and knowing that his joy is untainted by our troubles.

Sunday, May 17, 2020


Touch has now become a word with so much more feeling attached to it. A hug is something we now covet and appreciate in ways we never did before COVID-19 came into our lives. So much has changed in such a short amount of time.  New friendships have blossomed where there were none. Old friendships have grown stronger and taken on greater meaning. Family relationships are being recognized and valued more than ever before.

Faith is being tested now as we deal with illness, deaths, and financial struggles. Moving about in our world has become a challenge met with compliance by many, but far too many others are resisting and insist on walking around without masks.  Physical distancing seems totally unnecessary to them: so much discord.

There's a song that includes the words: "His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me."  Is God looking down on us right now in sorrow? Does He see the mess we are dealing with?  And since we chose free will all those years ago in the Garden of Eden, should we expect His intervention?

Are we worthy of fulfillment? We can build our faith, pray and ask Him to help us. He, the greatest physician of all, can convey to our physicians and scientists the knowledge and wisdom they need to find a cure for this virus.

Faith and touch: beautiful words so filled with promise.

Saturday, May 16, 2020


This resourceful dad has come up with a unique way of soothing a sleeping baby and entertaining himself at the same time.

I must admit I would never have thought of this. Babysitting isn't such a bad job. As families have spent more time in close proximity, bonds seem to be growing more and more. That's a good thing and hopefully it will bring us, let's see, what's that word???
Oh, yes:    JOY

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Will You Be Strong Enough?

This day honors all those who are privileged to be mothers. Throughout time, motherhood has been revered as special and deserving of celebration.

This morning my little Käse was fervently flapping his wings against my bedroom window. (Käse is pronounced kasa, first a is long, second a is short, and is German for cheese. My son loved cheese.) Memories fluttered back. Three years ago, on Mother's Day, we all gathered at my niece's home for our annual celebration. Jason was there, standing beside me. For everyone to hear, he looked at me and said "I wish everyone could have a mom like you."  It was such a sweet sentiment and I will never forget it. Little did we know that two weeks later he would be gone. Now he visits me in spirit and I call him "Käse".

Motherhood takes many forms. There are mothers who have a biological as well as an emotional bond and there are those who adopt, and build strong emotional attachments as they build a family. Others simply form an attachment created by time and closeness. Which is better?  I can think of no test that could possibly determine the true answer to that.

With motherhood I believe a new kind of strength is created. It's measurement cannot be predicted or proven in advance. It is built, one day at a time, and proven through our actions. And as the days progress, our children (and perhaps others) are witness to that strength.

Today's world is now facing a unique challenge to our strength. Of course, this challenge is not only presented to mothers, but to all people; but because it's Mother's Day, I'm slanting this to address mothers. The future appears to be filled with face masks, physical distancing and survival struggles. We must all be strong-willed enough to recognize and deal with these issues appropriately. And, mothers, protect your children. It is beginning to look like this virus is targeting children more than we initially thought. Keep your children as safe as humanly possible. They are the heirs of your strength and will perpetuate your strength in the future.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Southern Drawl, Y'all

Well, I guess the obvious way to begin this post is with "Y'all". I think this is the most common, widely known southern word. It is a shortened version of You All. You can conveniently address two people or two thousand people by just saying "Y'all".

And there's "fixin' to", as in "I was just fixin' to call you". Preparing to do something requires assuring that you are "fixin' " to do it.  People need assurance, you know.

"Fine as frog hair". Do frogs even have hair? Well, if they do, I'm sure it must be fine in order to deserve comparison to someone's wellbeing.

I'm sure a few southern phrases and terms are all y'all can take at one time, so I will move on to a different subject: CHRISTOPHER!  This is today's photo of him.  He's growing so fast!  And teething so his mom says he gets a little fussy sometimes, but it doesn't seem to be bothering him today. He's such a handsome boy.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


This cross was made by a good friend of mine. He is a very good wood worker and I cherish this wooden cross. It is an indicator of how thankful I am for the blessings God has bestowed on me and my precious husband Bill.

We've been quite diligent about staying home but yesterday we had to make a trip to Newnan for a doctor checkup. After parking our car, we walked up to the entrance of the hospital where we then had our temperatures taken and answered questions about any symptoms we might be having that would be suspicious of THE VIRUS. Thankfully, we are well and able to answer positively. We thank the Lord for that.

Masked and gloved, we entered the hospital and made our way to our first appointment, lab work. I say OUR but it actually was Bill's appointment. He was the one who had to get stuck! The news was good when he saw the medical oncologist; all lab results were great! We definitely thank the Lord for that!!!

My Käse was happy about the results I think. He was jumping up and down on the window sill this morning as though he knew the results of our doctor visit yesterday.

To my friend in Germany, I would like to say hello and I look forward to her comments on my blog. It makes writing this much more satisfying to know that you enjoy reading it. I hope everyone feels that way.

My friend and I have been sharing recipes, especially chicken recipes. Southern fried chicken, chicken parmesan, southern specialties.

About this southern thing: as a southern girl, born and raised, I'd like to acquaint you with our unique vernacular, but I think that it deserves it's own POST. Stay tuned for the next POST that I will title "Southern Drawl, Ya'll".